99 Affirmations for Achieving Your Goals

Never underestimate the power of optimistic thinking! We’ve all heard it said that

 “If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right” 

The question is, how do you shift from a lack of self belief, to a feeling of certainty about your skills and potential?

Affirmations can be a great tool that you can use to grow in positivity and confidence. They have been used over the years by some of the highest achieving men and women of our time including Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, and Denzel Washington. 

This article will help you to think positively and be more hopeful about the future by sharing 99 affirmations for your growth, health and wealth. I hope it helps!

99 Affirmations for Achieving Your Goals

1. I am capable of achieving any goal I set for myself.

2. I am worthy of the success I achieve.

3. I deserve the success that I work for.

4. I am worth the effort I put into achieving my goals.

5. The only way to reach my full potential is to trust in myself and work hard every day.

6. I am worth the risk.

7. I can overcome anything.

8. The power to succeed lies within me.

9. No matter what happens, I will continue to strive for excellence.

10. We are capable of great things because we are human.

11. No one can stop me from reaching my goals.

12. I can push to conquer this uncertain world!

13. I have control over my life and destiny!

14. If I want something, I have to work for it.

15. I have a purpose in life.

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16. I am loved! I am enough! There is nothing wrong with the way I was made!

17. No one can take my happiness away from me.

18. The only way to achieve my goals is to start today and keep going!

19. The courage to keep going is more important than whether or not I succeed or fail.

20. I am not alone; there are millions of people like me who are fighting for something just like me!

21. I am not a victim, but a victor.

22. I have the potential for genuine greatness

23. I am worthy of love and attention!

24. The world was created by people like me building things they believed in.

25. I am a source of energy and a force for good.

26. I am formidable in competition.

27. I can become more courageous by doing courageous things.

28. Heroic people do heroic things. 

29. My work works on me as I work on it! 

30. Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts! (Winston churchill)

31. Everything is considered impossible until somebody does it.

32. If I cannot see a way, I can make a way!

33. I would like the respect of others, but I need the respect of myself!

34. The successful people in my industry are not any smarter than I am!

35. My time is valuable and I will value it!

35. I will help myself like I would help someone I love!

36. If I do what I have always done, I will have what I have always had!

37. When I have given my all and It isn’t enough, I will do what is required! (Les Brown)

38. I have a duty to fulfill my own potential!

39. I will do the job until the job is done!

40. I will not quit. If I fall down, I will get back up!

41. I can always find new levels of focus, work ethic and creativity!

42. My thoughts determine my actions! My actions determine my reality!

Read also: Courage is knowing what not to fear

43. If I am the only one who believes in my goals, then that is enough people!

44. Other people can criticize my mistakes! I will be kind to myself.

45. I see failure as another small step towards success!

46. I will not let someone else define what I am! 

47. I know myself. I know my own power.

48. I am absolutely unique! There is no one quite like me!

49. I believe in the beauty of my dreams!

50. During my darkest times, I will focus on the light!

51. My life is a bold adventure!

52. I will face defeats, but I will never be defeated!

53. A fear of striking out will not stop me from playing the game! (Babe Ruth)

54. I will go confidently in the direction of my dreams!

55. I can learn any skill!

56. I can build my character!

57. I can change my own beliefs!

58. I have brains in my head. I have feet in my shoes. I can steer myself any direction I choose! (Dr Seuss)

59. I will do the common thing uncommonly well!

60. I will fail my way to success!

61. I will leave the doubt to them! I will back myself and my dreams!

62. I will be patient and I will work with impatience!

63. I will be flexible in my approach! I will be open to better ideas!

64. I will focus my whole being on becoming my best self!

65. I will not betray my values! I will carry myself with honor!

66. I will build positive momentum in my life! I will get that ball rolling in the right direction!

67. I don’t need anyone to let me, and I won’t let anyone stop me!

68. On the other side of fear is everything I could ever want!

69. Life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it! (Charles Swindoll)

70. When I cannot run I will walk, and when I cannot walk I will crawl!

71. I will never give or take any excuse! (Florence Nightingale)

72. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve! (Napoleon Hill)

73. The choices I make today will determine who I am tomorrow!

74. The only thing standing between me and outrageous success is continuous progress! (Dan Waldschmidt)

75. There are no traffic jams on the extra mile! (Zig Ziglar)

76. The adversity I go through today will make tomorrow’s prosperity even sweeter!

77. I will not allow myself to be limited by other people’s imaginations! (Dr. Mae Jemerson)

78. I will drive myself everyday towards my goals with consistency!

79. If I work and learn enough, my growth will be inevitable!

80. I radiate love and self-confidence!

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81. What has happened does not have to determine what will happen!

82. I will never let someone’s opinion of me determine my reality! (Les Brown)

83. I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing! (Louise Hay)

84. Am I good enough? Yes. Am I strong enough? Yes. Am I hungry enough? Yes.

85. The perfect moment is this moment. The perfect time is now. (Jon Kabat-Zinn)

86. My life is amazing! It is about to become more amazing!

87. Everything I achieve comes from who I am deep down!

88. There is no one else with my perspective! It is unique!

89. Everyday above earth is a good day! (Ernst Hemmingway)

90. I must do the things I think I cannot.

91. My achievements are determined by the size of my dreams and my readiness to sacrifice for them!

92. It is never too late to set a new goal! It is never over until I stop!

93. I learned to walk by trying, and falling over! (Richard Branston)

94. I will trust in the power of my own instincts!

95. To win big, sometimes I will have to take big risks! (Bill Gates)

96. I will amaze myself with my determination and my grit!

97. There is nothing that people know that I cannot learn!

98. I will set a phenomenal example for the people around me! 

99. I will do the “boring work” for as long as it takes for me to see success!

My personal affirmations for achieving my goals

Affirmations are always most powerful when you create them for yourself. This is because you want them to be statements that you deeply resonate with; and, that apply directly to your own insecurities and sticking points. 

To give you some further ideas on what form your affirmations might take, I have shared below a picture of my affirmations which are written on the first page of my journal. 

Are affirmations right for you and your goals?

Like many other self-development concepts, the effects of affirmations range vastly from person to person. Their impact depends on your own personality and the way you think, and I wouldn’t be too worried if you try to use them and they get you nowhere.

What I can say though, is that affirmations have been used to great effect by me and many better than me to help them face the challenges of the world and pursue their goals with confidence. 

I will end this article by sharing some powerful quotes that I have come across in relation to the power of affirmations for achieving your goals. I hope that this article has been a valuable tool for you to use in your own growth process. 

“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice.”

Roy T. Bennet

“One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the statement is true or false. It comes to be the dominating thought in one’s mind”.

Robert Collier

“As man thinketh in his heart, so is he”

Proverbs 23:7

A crucial point about the power of affirmations

“Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion”

Jim Rohn

Affirmations can be incredibly powerful for influencing your perspective on the world and believing in the power of your own abilities. But; ultimately, success comes from a whole lot of effort and that is a step that cannot be skipped. Use affirmations to enhance your own work ethic! This is where all the growth is found.

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